Affiliate Disclosure

Smart AI Affiliate provides free product reviews, comparisons and how to tutorials as well as tools for viewers on our website and Youtube channel. In order to maintain our high quality work for free. We are supported by referral fees from different affiliate programs and networks.

Before Smart AI Affiliate we learned how to build websites with software development approaches as well as other tools to build from scratch. But nowadays building websites are much easier without knowing how to write code. We want to share what we learnt not only our friends but also others via videos and articles. That’s how Smart AI Affiliate born. So we also need resource to do tutorials without sacrificing quality. That’s what affiliate programs come to our mind.

How do affiliate commissions work? When viewers either read our tutorial or watch videos. We will base on our research work and information to provide relevant product analysis and reviews for your needs. Viewers can make their own decision whether to take next step after reading our content. If that is the case it would be to head to for example: web hosting providers, website builder, AI tools or product websites they desire. Then they can start their digital marketing and AI journey. Within these product providers system they are notified that some new customers were referred by Smart AI Affiliate and we are paid as commission with no extra cost to the customer side. We believe that it’s beneficial to us and viewers as we can continue to provide high quality tutorials with viewers and viewers can use their desired products.

Then how can you have high quality content? You simply just use our links in this website once you make your final decision. This action will support us without spending bucks. Then you can have high quality tutorials to start your journey to website building, digital marketing or even creating your first Youtube channel!